Saturday, September 30, 2017

Lovers, Haters, Faces Of Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Coins To Flip: Rats To Races.Good Times, Low Standards, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Clowns, Cows, Snakes In Grass, Lots Of Frog Faces.

Endah Kania.Lovers, Haters, Faces Of Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Coins To Flip: Rats To Races..Rainy Dazes, Dances In The Shadows, Dreams In Acts Eyes Open, Mouths Open Wide,Give someone you love a hug and tell them you love them because they might just need it today.Waves Of Words, Not Sticks Or Stones, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys, Monkeys In Packs To Dodge, Pages To Books, Songs On The Winds.Waves, Wings, Winners, Losers, Wits, Charms, Graces, Lost Arts. Fairy Tales, Glory Dazes Done, Pages To Books.Looking for a more rational way to debate big issues? #Kialo is here to flip that on its head - check it out now!Lovers, Haters, Faces Of Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Coins To Flip: Rats To Races.Good Times, Low Standards, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Clowns, Cows, Snakes In Grass, Lots Of Frog Faces. Lovers, Haters, Faces Of Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Coins To Flip: Rats To Races.Birds of a Feather Flock Together, Happy in an expanding universe. From Los Angeles beaches to San Francisco. For decades someone had to design Barbie. Two years in rented condo and science nerd now. There's No I in Team. An Arm and a Leg. 420, no contest. 6' 200#. Looking for needle in haystack. It's Not Brain Surgery.Lived on the beach and walking to for decades. Condo better than commute but not stuck. There is something behind the words. What is it? -billStories told long ago, holiday hits, to give, to get, circles of love, circles of luck, circles of life to live.Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me.Lovers, Haters, Faces Of Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Coins To Flip: Rats To Races.Good Times, Low Standards, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Clowns, Cows, Snakes In Grass, Lots Of Frog Faces. Lovers, Haters, Faces Of Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Coins To Flip: Rats To Races.Good Times, Low Standards, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Clowns, Cows, Snakes In Grass, Lots Of Frog Faces.Watch Weekend Update: Ike Turner on Valentine's Day From Saturday ... Cocaine overdose killed Ike Turner | World news | The Guardian. Notes of life of others, to give and to take the lessons learned alone the paths taken. Bumps in the roads, frogs and snakes, tales.Jewish White Monkeys 2016, tips of love and hate, monkeys to dodge, monkeys to swing, to trade, to trick, cash or credit.๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ŠLove, Lights, Leaders, To Protect, Not To Cause Pain: Lessons To Learn. Babe Tips. New day, for new study, the ways to tell your future, a book to share here for the first time. Written by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber: 33 Ways to Tell Your Future: Time to tune in, time to get answers, time to predict the outcomes to the problems at hand today. Something else to do for a slow and merry day on earth, to study about changes, to examine for ways to read people more than once. Lovers, Haters, Faces Of Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Coins To Flip: Rats To Races. Lovers, Haters, Faces Of Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Coins To Flip: Rats To Races.Go Fly A Kit:Thanks so much….MAGIC! – Mama Didn’t Raise No Fool (Audio)….Just one day out of life, Birds And Bees,Reflections, Lessons Learned, Clocks And Time. back in the day, had a sister with a problem. More than one, lots of hard knocks for Red Moons, Penny Starr Bright, hate to drive, sinners and saints, back in the day. More than one time, not a mistake, how the wheels turn, and time never stops, moving on, trains to catch, planes to fly, have a hanger next to the garage, flying to the cattle in the open ranges, Texas for starts, new begining, back to square one. Books on Review…Enchantment-Sunny Shine Feeling. Horses done, the mighty and the great. .

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