Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Wishes and hopes for a kind person, older and taller that has a degree or two and the wisdom of age to help guide me though the maze called life.Whenever you all get time try to add some people in.

 I've got my work cut out for me. Two Facebook pages one group that I'm working on here. A Facebook Messenger group So yeah, I got my work cut out for me. What a pain in the neck.

Wishes and hopes for a kind person, older and taller that has a degree or two and the wisdom of age to help guide me though the maze called life.Whenever you all get time try to add some people in.

Marching For More:March 4th.Darkness for the dreams, lights on after the sunsets, stars out.Dreams of a Sister.Hilarious Can't Stop Laughing.Whenever you all get time try to add some people in. I've got my work cut out for me. Two Facebook pages one group that I'm working on here. A Facebook Messenger group So yeah, I got my work cut out for me. What a pain in the neck.
Wishes and hopes for a kind person, older and taller that has a degree or two and the wisdom of age to help guide me though the maze called life.Darkness for the dreams, lights on after the sunsets, stars out.Dreams of a Sister. Searching for the one man, giant on land, waves from the shore.Role models, men, mice, mobsters, faces in the crowd, life a beach, a bitch, an adventure, coins to flip. Hilarious Can't Stop Laughing.Wishes and hopes for a kind person, older and taller that has a degree or two and the wisdom of age to help guide me though the maze called life.Whenever you all get time try to add some people in.

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